Follow Bricey's progress

Updates from the facebook group, Bricey, Be Strong!

21/7/2011: Been a bit slack on the updates. Being stuck at Hampstead is sucking up all my motivation. Pretty much ready to be discharged but can't go home until I get funding for carers. On an up note, I have managed to get back to Naracoorte a couple of times now for a quick visit.

25/4/2011: Had a nice day drinking xxxx by the river yesterday.

17/4/2011:'Black Caviar'... that's how I roll...

09/4/2011: Has named his pushy 'Black Caviar'

27/3/2011: Got my new push chair on Friday, thanks to everyone who has donated money to help me buy the chair, it's much appreciated!

22/3/2011: Stood up today - scary shit!

17/3/2011: Still living in the same 4 walls.

13/3/2011: Have a rather large scar on my spinal chord which can result in cysts growing causing loss of movement...fingers crossed.

7/3/2011: Now weighing in at 66kg I've regained 15kg from my lightest weight.

2/3/2011: Had a great time visiting the farm on the weekend. Nothing much has changed in 8 months, my lunchbox and water bottle were in the same spot. The only bad thing was leaving but hopefully will be back soon.

24/2/2011: Back to the RAH today for a check up MRI scan. Starting to get sick of hospitals and their waiting times!

19/2/2011: Looking forward to getting back to the farm this weekend coming. It's been a long 8 months away from it.

14/2/2011: Another week down but that doesn't mean a week closer to getting out. Into my fifth month at Hampstead. Starting to get a bit of a chest infection. Hopefully I'll be in America sometime soon

8/2/2011: #$%&ing nurses...

6/2/2011: Had a pretty exciting week, escaped Hampstead to go out for dinner at the Kensi. Also to the 20/20 final at the Adelaide oval. Good to get a bit of normality back into my life!

30/1/2011: Getting into the habit of drinking beer again

27/1/2011: Hi All, It's been a while since I have been on here so thought I would give you an update. I had a great day at the cricket yesterday...managed to get legless after a few beers! I'm looking forward to seeing Daph Crowhurst next week.

1/12/2010: Had a good night on Friday thanks everyone for turning up and supporting me.
Click here to read Charles' speech from the night.
Click here to download a 2 page PDF of a great article on Charles and the Gala Dinner from the Naracoorte Herald (1.5MB). It made front page news! Published 2 December 2010.

16/11/2010: In the last few weeks I've been able to text on my iphone with the use of a hand splint. The security guards are keeping me pretty entertained with their jokes.

12/11/2010: Charles Brice: Last couple of weeks I've seen progress and strength building up. Managed to get into a manual wheel chair a couple of times which is hard work.

15/10/2010: Yesterday Charles got to experience yet another ride in an ambulance...this time it was back to Hampstead. He was doing well & on the mend but after a big day of moving from the RAH back to Hamptead he is utterly exhausted and running a high temp again. Fingers crossed he can sleep it off.
You are doing great Chuck! Don't give up... xx

13/10/2010: As luck would have it Chuck has unfortunately contracted another chest infection, landing him back in the Royal Adelaide Hospital. In a further test of his fighting spirit, his rehabilitation schedule is slipping, and on a lighter note so too is the date of his next round of beers and Buck Hunter with the boys...

21/9/2010: Charles has been at Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre for almost 2 weeks now. He is settling in quite well...he even had a few mates out for a BBQ to help celebrate his 20th birthday. He continues to face new challenges every day and is doing an amazing job at tackling them head on. Since being at Hampstead he has been able to get into a motorised chair which he uses to get himself to his physio & OT appointments during the week. He, together with the rest of the family, continues to value everyone's support. x

05/9/2010: Sorry there has not been an update for so long hands have been busy massaging Chuck's head & trying to shovel food into him at every opportunity.

Despite our best efforts, Chuck has lost a substantial amount of weight. As a result, he had to have a peg inserted on Friday which allows him to be fed directly into his stomach. This will remain with Chuck until such time as he can gain and then stabalise a suitable weight. The upside to this is that his nasal tube could be removed.

Medical stuff aside, Buddy has had a busy week...on Tuesday he met Sam & Jenny Bailey - each truly amazing & inspirational people. Sam Bailey, also at the age of 19, became of quadraplegic. Not knowing us from a bar of soap, they went out of their way to pay us a visit all the way from outback NSW. Their story is incredible! I would strongly suggest you read their book 'HEAD OVER HEELS' & visit his website

On Wednesday, Charles hosted Sophia's 1st birthday party in his room...complete with cupcakes, balloons & lolly bags. On Thursday, Fieldy attacked Chuck with the hair clippers. He pulled off a mo-hawk for a couple of hours before I shaved the rest of his head. Apart from the operation, Friday saw in the news that Charles would probably be moving to Hampstead this Tuesday!!! We are told that this is a record achievement! So...stay tuned for Chuck's next chapter.

26/8/2010: Buddy has been in quite good spirits the past few days despite having quite a lot of pain discomfort in his neck. He has been allowed to get into his bed-like chair again...while he was in it the other day, one of the nurses gave him a quick tour around the spinal unit. Meanwhile today & yesterday he came and visited us in the visitors room for a change. It's great he can catch a peek out the window & get a change of scenery...albeit not very exciting. You are doing a top job Chucky! Keep going & you will be out of there before you know it!

23/8/2010: Another great achievement for he had his trachea removed! The next goal is to be rid of the feeding tube. Apart from that, Bud has settled in well at the spinal unit & has continued to be one remarkable character! We are all so incredibly proud. Love you Buddy. Keep it up! x

16/8/2010: Great news to report today...after 51 days in the intensive care unit, Charles is finally out of there! We are told that this is a pretty remarkable effort given his injuries! Bud is now in the spinal unit at RAH. Despite this move demonstrating excellent progress, it has been another very challenging & confronting time for Charles as well as the rest of the family.

With this relocation comes a new focus on rehabilitation & a new routine to Buddy's day. Thus we ask if you could please try & contact us before coming in for a least until Chuck gets settled. The visiting policy for the spinal unit is very similar to that of ICU, whereby only 2 visitors are permitted at any one time. Thanks again for your ongoing understanding & support everyone! xx

9/8/2010: Just a quick update on Bricey's progress: Charles was very happy to have Kendall & Sophia return to Adelaide on the weekend after a quick trip home to WA. He is also looking forward to Fieldy coming back in a few weeks.

Charles enjoyed another hint of fresh air when he had some time Saturday afternoon in the ICU Courtyard. He loved the visit from several mates which I hear put a big smile on his face, so thanks guys! Thanks also to his good friends who are with him on a regular basis, you are wonderful.

But the big news....... Charles is living up to his 'Bricey, Be Strong!' slogan & has now had 36 hours of breathing unassisted. Way to go Bud! Keep it up & you will be out of ICU in no time. xx

31/7/2010: Today was the first day that Chuck was able to swap the ventilator for oxygen for a short amount of time.... let him know how proud you are by visiting Good on you Bud! Stay strong!!

28/7/2010: Thanks to everyone for all the 'Bricey, Be Strong!' photos. Your support & creativity is amazing. Please keep it coming!

Bricey has had some more big wins in the past few days. On Sunday, he was able to be taken to the ICU courtyard, allowing him to get some fresh air, blue sky & a few more than 2 visitors at a time!...! It was a very exciting milestone for Chuck...a milestone which saw several smiles created for a lot of people. Although it was great for him to be outside, it left him utterly exhausted!

On Monday, he made us proud again when he achieved his next goal of sitting up!

Yesterday, he put in a special order for a chicken schnitzel with chips & gravy from the Tivoli and managed to get some of it down even with his trachea still in.

Today's highlight was being able to have Sophia play on the his bed...(at least that was the highlight for me)!

This progress aside, Chuck is having to work damn hard to fight another chest infection on top of everything else!

28/7/2010: It is almost 5 weeks since our lives changed direction. Everyones support has overwhelmed us and been immeasurable towards Chuck's progress. However, we have been approached by the co-ordinator of ICU with some requests regarding Charles' progress and future well being.

At the moment, his visitor numbers & hours have been restricted as they have found he is too exhausted to participate in physio and other activities they require of him. Even we (ie direct family) are included in this, but we must respect their wishes & keep in mind that it is in Chuck's best interests.

This is new ground for us. Therefore, if you could please ring/message us before you come in so we can try and manage his visitors according to his energy & health levels - we will do our best on the day! If you could also keep in mind that visits are now expected to be for shorter periods of time.

We appreciate your understanding and ask that you please hang in there with your support. I know it is hard but it is what is best for Charles & he is in the best hands. The sooner he can get stronger, the sooner there will be less restrictions. And hey, don't forget you can always facebook him...I show it to him through his TV regularly!

26/7/2010: On behalf of Charles & the rest of the family I would like to acknowledge and thank the NARACOORTE FOOTBALL CLUB for their support & amazing fundraising efforts on Saturday night! We are truly appreciative. x

22/7/2010: Given Buddy is facing some big challenges, we thought we would put a challenge forward to all his supporters. The idea stems from the amazing Annabelle Reeves...we would like to see who can upload a photo on facebook of the most original / random / funny place to write 'Bricey, Be Strong' (see Annie's recent photo from her trip to the snow AND many more!). We hope any photo's uploaded will put a smile on Chuck's face the way that Annie's did.

As for Buddy's progress, he is continuing to do an incredible job. Today he went almost 90 mins with the ventilator partly off. He also tried to eat bread today but why would you eat that when you can eat chocolate mousse??

20/7/2010: On behalf of the whole family, I would like to thank everybody once again for their amazing support. However, today I would like to make special mention of Susanna Nation (for the ongoing supply of delicious food), Annabelle R, Georgie & Leanne H (for your wonderful babysitting services) & the entire McNeal family! We... appreciate everyone's support, generosity & efforts greatly.

20/7/2010: The past four days have been a huge challenge for Chuck and also for his family & close friends. So I am happy to report that today was much better for all concerned. Spirits had lifted & Chuck's cheekily little smirk even made an appearance! Despite the last few days being tough going, Buddy has still managed to achieve some incredible milestones...Sunday: he downed some coldrock (double choc + cookies & cream icecream with maltesers...can you believe they had run out of cookie dough??!!) Monday: sat up at 90 degrees for a short time. Today: his ventilator was able to be partly turned off for nearly an hour today (due to his dedication & commitment to doing regular breathing exercises)

19/7/2010: Today's report: CHARLES ROCKS!

Charles Brice doesn't recommend drinking beer through a straw but it tastes good!!!

16/7/2010: Chucky has had a really tough few days...he has been jabbed, poked and proded and had to endure several scans due to his high temps & swelling... but on the upside he has managed to add a few more things to his list of consumables including powerade, coke, Coldrock shake, icecream & even some watermelon & pineapple! He has been putting in a stella effort (as per usual)...but particularly in regard to practising his breathing. Next goal: sit up at 90 degrees. Keep up the amazing work Buddy!

13/7/2010: Just when I think I couldn't possibly be prouder of my little bro he goes and surprises me again! He held up his end of the deal by getting his temp down last night so this morning he was rewaded with that freshly squeezed OJ I promised him (a big thanks to all concerned at My Green Grocer...your messages on the bottle put a cheekly little smile on his face). He LOVED the juice and did such a good job at getting it down that he then got to try JELLY! In addition to that he managed some good breathing today and even got to be moved to 45 degree angle for a short time. Despite this progress he is still having to put all his might into just breathing & fighting this infection. He had to have an MIR today to see if they could work out where the infection is hiding. We hope to have some results soon. In the mean time we are staying focused on the positives & remaining certain that he will be downing coldrock in no time at all.

PS: Was reading the paper today and telling Chuck a bit about what was going on in the world...saw that St Mary Makillop has over 1600 members on her fb page...Chuck, being Chuck (awfully competitive), has the aim of beating her. I told him he wasn't far off!

Charles Brice Jelly!!!!!

12/7/2010: Today I am the proudest sister in the world!!!! Chuck is doing such an amazing he was able to sip some water & even whisper a couple of words when the nurse connected the oxygen to his trachea. It is unfortunate that his infection started to get the better of him late in the day...but don't worry, we have a deal...if he fights his infection as hard as he can overnight, I will take him freshly squeezed orange juice from My Green Grocer at the crack of dawn. (Baby Sign Buddy)

12/7/2010: Buddy is continuing to fight hard. He spent the weekend trying to get his temps under control & enjoyed a break from physio. However today is a new week & he is eagerly participating in physio this morning (with his nice young therapist...)! He is still loving his fabulous TV setup as he is able to watch DVD's / view facebook...all whilst getting a lovely head massage from someone in the family. As each day goes by we discover a little more about the amazing social life he has been leading. We always knew he was one special lad...but we had no idea just how many others he had touched. We look forward to receiving more stories & messages to pass on.

10/7/2010: As soon as we walked into Chucky's room today he mouthed phone...followed by text coach. He wanted to tell his Pembroke King team mates to "Play with strength. Play with pride. Play with heart. Win for me!" With all he's been through in the past fortnight, his love of footy & his mates is still at the forefront of his mind...what a bloody little champ!! Ps, thanks Pembroke for giving it your best shot & putting on a great day.

08/7/2010: Today was a milestone day! Chuck had a Trachea inserted which meant the tubes in his mouth could finally come out. With Bud no longer being ventilated through his mouth, he is more comfortable, able to mouth words easier and finally starting to look like himself again. As this was another big event for Chuck to go through, they will keep him sedated overnight as he requires lots more rest. Please keep the support & most importantly the funny stories coming...he loves them & we especially love seeing the grins they put on his face.

Charles Brice Charles says G'day

06/7/2010: Today saw Chuck move to a new room with a view. He is still in ICU & continuing to fight with all his might. We will probably have more to report in the next few days but in the mean time chuck has requested you post some funny stories from day-to-day life to help keep him in the loop!

04/7/2010: Today Chuck was scheduled to have a procedure to help clear his lungs but he fought so strongly that it has been avoided for the time being. He is still running a temperature due to his infection & is intubated to help him breathe. For the first time since the accident we managed to see a smirk on Buddy's face when he got a visitor small enough to be able to cuddle up on the bed with him...(10 month old Sophia)! He managed to blow her a kiss. Great work today Chuck! We are all so very proud of you.

03/7/2010: Chucky's amazing bro-in-law has created a new chart to allow him to communicate with us with a lot less frustration! After telling Fieldy he wanted to watch Top Gear with him he spelt out that he was craving pineapple in any way shape or form...(thought his green grocer mates would get a giggle out of this)...meanwhile his sisters are all still in shock he wants something healthy!!

02/7/2010: Chuck has put in another stella effort today & is unfortunately having to fight a bit of an infection. He had a restful day watching his flash new tv (thanks to Jock & a few of his other amazing mates) which was just what the dr ordered. I passed on a few more messages today & told him how he nearly had 1,000 supporters! He was amazed...

02/7/2010: We have just got a report back from the hospital & Chuck is not up for any visitors today. As much as he loves the visits & support it is in his best interest to rest up & I'm sure you can all appreciate. But please keep the encouragement coming so when he is up for it he will have lots!

01/7/2010: Another mammoth day for all concerned...especially for Chuck! He is exceptionally tired today after putting all his strength into trying to breathe by himself as well as participate in physio. His pain levels are much higher today as his sedation has had to be decreased. Consequently, the reality of what has happened is starting to very much hit home. Therefore, I'm sure you can appreciate it is important for us to have some close family time with him as well as give him every opportunity to rest up. But again, we all thank you for being so supportive...especially his very special mates that have been helping us so closely the last few days... You know who you are! Much love to you.

30/6/2010: We went into visit Chuck this morning and the first thing he mouthed was 'FACEBOOK'! We were happy to start relaying some of the beautiful messages. He appreciated them enormously - so thank you again to all of you. His sedation has been reduced so he is in need of lots of rest tomorrow. Also, thanks to everyone for their support...especially in the way of delicious food left on our doorstep!

29/6/2010: Thanks to everyone from the whole family. You are giving us all the strength to keep on going. Buddy is still in recovery mode and continuing to flight hard. I wish we had more good news to report today but not a lot has changed since yesterday. We are overwhelmed at all the support...please keep it coming.

29/6/2010: ‎24 hours after his second surgery, Chuck is making us all so proud! He is still in ICU and sedated but occasionally manages to open his eyes slightly and demonstrate his determination by making slight arm movements. We have been telling him about all his fabulous mates that are behind him...and he managed a little nod to indicate he could hear what we were saying. So as I said, your support means the world to him... please keep it coming.