Bricey, Be Strong! is an initiative to combine the strength of family, friends and community to support Charles Brice in his recovery and rehabilitation.
On the 26th of June 2010 Charles Brice had a motorcycle accident and suffered severe upper spinal cord damage. Breaking his neck at C5 the shattered bone lodged in his spinal column, leaving him very limited movement below the shoulders. He faces new challenges each day as he undergoes rehabilitation to try and regain some movement and independence. Bricey’s rehabilitation will be ongoing for the remainder of his life for which he needs physical, emotional and financial support, so we’re here to help in any way we can.
Bricey, Buddy, Chuck, Charles, however you know him, he's a pretty special bloke! Over 2100 people getting behind his recovery on the facebook group BRICEY, BE STRONG! and the incredible messages of support are a fine indication of that.
Bricey did not suffer any brain damage in the accident and his great personality remains in full force. Celebrating his 20th birthday in the Hampstead Rehabilitation Centre he continues to be strong and determined to maximise his opportunities.
So let's show Bricey we're behind him all the way, not only by raising funds to support his rehabilitation through the Charles Brice Trust Fund, but by proudly showing our sense of mateship with Bricey, Be Strong! tees and alike! Get involved and post pictures on the facebook page wearing your Bricey, Be Strong! tee or get out there and write 'Bricey, Be Strong!' in the most original, funny or obscure (and legal!) locations! Think where's Wally (well, Bricey!), or the travelling garden gnome, let's have him found all over the world!
This web site, along with the facebook group, will also provide information on events and other fundraising initiatives.
The Bricey, Be Strong! Gala Dinner & Auction was held on Friday 26 November 2010 and raised over $123,000. A fantastic night in support of Charles, the highlight for everyone was Charles' speech which can be read by clicking here. A HUGE thank you to everyone who gave their goods, time and support for the night, if you would like to support those who have supported Charles please click here to view the auction catalogue and some of our sponsors. Charles and the event made front page news in the Naracoorte Herald! (Click here to download a 2 page PDF of the newspaper article. 1.5MB )
The Pembroke Old Scholars Football Club hosted ‘The Brice is Right’ game show fundraiser on Sunday 5 September 2010. A hilarious afternoon for everyone involved, the event raised nearly $3,000 and a huge amount of laughs! A big thank you to the organisers, everyone who came to support Charles and to our sponsors: Sheils Jewellers, Crowies Paints, AXIS Hair and Beauty Frewville, Paws for Pets Marden, DARE Gifts and Homewares Hyde Park, Power House Sports Norwood, Gecko Gear Australia, Rose Park Dental, author Andrew Daddo, Mary Marini and Nick McCann.
Other fundraising items currently under development include:- The Brice Cup charity football match between Pembroke OS and Kybybolite Football Club. Adelaide, South Australia. To be held in 2012.
If you would like to get involved or have any fundraising ideas, please feel free to contact Kellie Field or Mark Crowhurst via the contact form or email briceybestrong[at]
We sincerely thank you for visiting and for your ongoing support of Bricey and the Brice family.
BRICEY, BE STRONG!We all love you.